Kavli Affiliate: Gregory J. Herczeg
| First 5 Authors: Anuroop Dasgupta, Lucas A. Cieza, Camilo I. Gonzalez Ruilova, Trisha Bhowmik, Ms. Prachi Chavan
| Summary:
The size of a protoplanetary disk is a fundamental property, yet most remain
unresolved, even in nearby star-forming regions (d $sim$ 140-200 pc). We
present the complete continuum size distribution for the $105$ brightest
protoplanetary disks (M$_{text{dust}}$ $gtrsim$ 2 M$_{oplus}$) in the
Ophiuchus cloud, obtained from ALMA Band 8 (410 GHz) observations at
0.05$^{primeprime}$ (7 au) to 0.15$^{primeprime}$ (21 au) resolution. This
sample includes 54 Class II and 51 Class I and Flat Spectrum sources, providing
a comprehensive distribution across evolutionary stages. We measure the Half
Width at Half Maximum (HWHM) and the radius encircling $68%$ of the flux
($R_{68%}$) for most non-binary disks, yielding the largest flux-limited
sample of resolved disks in any star-forming region. The distribution is
log-normal with a median value of $sim$14 au and a logarithmic standard
deviation $sigma_{log} = 0.46$ (factor of 2.9 in linear scale). Disks in
close binary systems ($<$ 200 au separation) have smaller radii, with median
value of $sim$5 au, indicating efficient radial drift as predicted by dust
evolution models. The size distribution for young embedded objects (SED Class I
and Flat Spectrum, age $lesssim$ 1 Myr) is similar to that of Class II objects
(age $sim$ a few Myr), implying that pressure bumps must be common at early
disk stages to prevent mm-sized particle migration at au scales.
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