Kavli Affiliate: Alireza Marandi
| First 5 Authors: Robert M. Gray, Ryoto Sekine, Maximilian Shen, Thomas Zacharias, James Williams
| Summary:
Few- and single-cycle optical pulses and their associated ultra-broadband
spectra have been crucial in the progress of ultrafast science and technology.
Moreover, multi-color waveforms composed of independently manipulable
ultrashort pulses in distinct spectral bands offer unique advantages in pulse
synthesis and attosecond science. However, the generation and control of
ultrashort pulses has required bulky and expensive optical systems at the
tabletop scale and has so far been beyond the reach of integrated photonics.
Here, we break these limitations and demonstrate two-optical-cycle pulse
compression using quadratic two-color soliton dynamics in lithium niobate
nanophotonics. By leveraging dispersion engineering and operation near phase
matching, we achieve extreme compression, energy-efficient operation, and
strong conversion of pump to the second harmonic. We experimentally demonstrate
generation of $sim$13-fs pulses at 2 $mu$m using only $sim$3 pJ of input
energy. We further illustrate how the demonstrated scheme can be readily
extended to on-chip single-cycle pulse synthesis with sub-cycle control. Our
results provide a path towards realization of single-cycle ultrafast systems in
nanophotonic circuits.
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