TIC 184743498: The First Tri-Axial Stellar Pulsator

Kavli Affiliate: Saul Rappaport

| First 5 Authors: Valencia Zhang, Saul Rappaport, Rahul Jayaraman, Donald W. Kurtz, Gerald Handler

| Summary:

We have discovered a $delta$ Scuti pulsator in a tight binary (P = 1.053 d)
with nine pulsation modes whose frequencies are between 38 and 56 d$^{-1}$.
Each of these modes exhibits amplitude modulations and $pi$-rad phase shifts
twice per orbital cycle. Five of these modes exhibit amplitude and phase shifts
that are readily explained by dipole pulsations along an axis that is aligned
with the binary’s tidal axis. The novelty of the system lies in the remaining
four pulsation modes, which we show are dipole pulsations along an axis that is
perpendicular to both the tidal axis and the binary’s orbital angular momentum
axis. There are additionally two pulsation modes whose amplitudes and phases do
not change significantly with orbital phase; they are explained as dipole modes
along an axis aligned with the orbital/rotation axis. Hence, we propose that
TIC 184743498 is a tri-axial pulsator, the first of its kind.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Saul Rappaport”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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