A Dataset for Exploring Stellar Activity in Astrometric Measurements from SDO Images of the Sun

Kavli Affiliate: Andrew Vanderburg

| First 5 Authors: Warit Wijitworasart, Zoe de Beurs, Andrew Vanderburg, ,

| Summary:

We present a dataset for investigating the impact of stellar activity on
astrometric measurements using NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) images
of the Sun. The sensitivity of astrometry for detecting exoplanets is limited
by stellar activity (e.g. starspots), which causes the measured "center of
flux" of the star to deviate from the true, geometric, center, producing false
positive detections. We analyze Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager continuum
image data obtained from SDO between July 2015 and December 2022 to examine
this "astrometric jitter" phenomenon for the Sun. We employ data processing
procedures to clean the images and compute the time series of the
sunspot-induced shift between the center of flux and the geometric center. The
resulting time series show quasiperiodic variations up to 0.05% of the Sun’s
radius at its rotation period.

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