A High-Mass Young Star-forming Core Escaping from Its Parental Filament

Kavli Affiliate: Ke Wang

| First 5 Authors: Zhiyuan Ren, , , ,

| Summary:

We studied the unique kinematic properties in massive filament G352.63-1.07
at $10^3$-AU spatial scale with the dense molecular tracers observed with the
Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA). We find the central
massive core M1 (12 $M_odot$) being separated from the surrounding filament
with a velocity difference of $v- {v}_{sys}=-2$ km/s and a transverse
separation within 3 arcsec. Meanwhile, as shown in multiple dense-gas tracers,
M1 has a spatial extension closely aligned with the main filament and is
connected to the filament towards its both ends. M1 thus represents a very
beginning state for a massive young star-forming core escaping from the
parental filament, within a time scale of $sim 4000$ years. Based on its
kinetic energy ($3.5times10^{44}$ erg), the core escape is unlikely solely due
to the original filament motion or magnetic field, but requires more energetic
events such as a rapid intense anisotropic collapse. The released energy also
seems to noticeably increase the environmental turbulence. This may help the
filament to become stabilized again.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Ke Wang”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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