On the dominant role of wind in the quasar feedback mode in the late stage evolution of massive elliptical galaxies

Kavli Affiliate: Yingjie Peng

| First 5 Authors: , , , ,

| Summary:

In this paper we investigate the role of AGN feedback on the late stage
evolution of elliptical galaxies by performing high-resolution hydrodynamical
simulation in the {it MACER} framework. By comparing models that take into
account different feedback mechanisms, namely AGN and stellar feedback, we find
that AGN feedback is crucial in keeping the black hole in a low accretion state
and suppressing the star formation. We then compare the energy from AGN
radiation and wind deposited in the galaxy and find that only wind can
compensate for the radiative cooling of the gas in the galaxy. Further, we
investigate which plays the dominant role, the wind from the cold (quasar) or
hot (radio) feedback modes, by examining the cumulative energy output and
impact area to which the wind can heat the interstellar medium and suppress
star formation. Our results indicate that first, although AGN spends most of
its time in hot (radio) mode, the cumulative energy output is dominated by the
outburst of the cold mode. Second, only the impact area of the cold-mode wind
is large enough to heat the gas in the halo, while the hot-mode wind is not.
Additionally, the cold-mode wind is capable of sweeping up the material from
stellar mass loss. These results indicate the dominant role of cold-mode wind.
The limitations of our model, including the absence of jet feedback, are

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