Panchromatic Photometry of Low-redshift, Massive Galaxies Selected from SDSS Stripe 82

Kavli Affiliate: Luis C. Ho

| First 5 Authors: Yang A. Li, Luis C. Ho, Jinyi Shangguan, Ming-Yang Zhuang, Ruancun Li

| Summary:

The broadband spectral energy distribution of a galaxy encodes valuable
information on its stellar mass, star formation rate (SFR), dust content, and
possible fractional energy contribution from nonstellar sources. We present a
comprehensive catalog of panchromatic photometry, covering 17 bands from the
far-ultraviolet to 500 $mu$m, for 2685 low-redshift (z=0.01-0.11), massive
($M_* > 10^{10},M_odot$) galaxies selected from the Stripe 82 region of the
Sloan Digital Sky Survey, one of the largest areas with relatively deep,
uniform observations over a wide range of wavelengths. Taking advantage of the
deep optical coadded images, we develop a hybrid approach for matched-aperture
photometry of the multi-band data. We derive robust uncertainties and upper
limits for undetected galaxies, deblend interacting/merging galaxies and
sources in crowded regions, and treat contamination by foreground stars. We
perform spectral energy distribution fitting to derive the stellar mass, SFR,
and dust mass, critically assessing the influence of flux upper limits for
undetected photometric bands and applying corrections for systematic
uncertainties based on extensive mock tests. Comparison of our measurements
with those of commonly used published catalogs reveals good agreement for the
stellar masses. While the SFRs of galaxies on the star-forming main sequence
show reasonable consistency, galaxies in and below the green valley show
considerable disagreement between different sets of measurements. Our analysis
suggests that one should incorporate the most accurate and inclusive photometry
into the spectral energy distribution analysis, and that care should be
exercised in interpreting the SFRs of galaxies with moderate to weak star
formation activity.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Luis C. Ho”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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