The Postdoc Accord in Theoretical High Energy Physics

Kavli Affiliate: Lina Necib

| First 5 Authors: Djuna Croon, Patrick J. Fox, Roni Harnik, Simon Knapen, Mariangela Lisanti

| Summary:

We present the results of a survey meant to assess the opinion of the
high-energy physics theory (HET) community on the January 7th postdoc
acceptance deadline – specifically, whether there is a preference to shift the
deadline to later in January or February. This survey, which served for
information-gathering purpose only, is part of a community conversation on the
optimal timing of an acceptance deadline and whether the community would be
better served by a later date. In addition, we present an analysis of data from
the postdoc Rumor Mill, which gives a picture of the current hiring landscape
in the field. We emphasize the importance of preserving a universal deadline,
and the current results of our survey show broad support for a shift to a later
date. A link to the survey, frequently asked questions, a running list of
supporters, and next steps can be found on our companion web page.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Lina Necib”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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