Frequency Modulation of Gravitational Waves by Ultralight Scalar Dark Matter

Kavli Affiliate: Ke Wang

| First 5 Authors: Ke Wang, Yin Zhong, , ,

| Summary:

The oscillating pressure of the ultralight scalar dark matter (DM) can induce
the oscillation of the local gravitational potential. Similar to the
time-dependent frequency shift for the pulse signals of pulsars, the
oscillation of the local gravitational potential can induce a time-dependent
frequency shift (or frequency modulation) for quasi-monochromatic gravitational
wave (GW) signals from galactic white dwarf (WD) binaries. To make this effects
detectable, we suppose that some galactic WD binaries are located in the DM
clumps/subhalos where the energy density of DM is about eight orders of
magnitude higher than that at the position of the Earth. Turn to the fisher
information matrix, we find that the amplified GW frequency modulation induced
by the ultralight scalar DM with mass
$m=1.67times10^{-23}-4.31times10^{-23}[{rm eV}/c^2]$ can be detected by

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