Radial and Non-Radial Oscillations of Inverted Hybrid Stars

Kavli Affiliate: Lijing Shao

| First 5 Authors: Chen Zhang, Yudong Luo, Hong-bo Li, Lijing Shao, Renxin Xu

| Summary:

We study the radial and non-radial oscillations of Cross stars (CrSs), i.e.,
stars with a quark matter crust and a hadronic matter core in an inverted order
compared to conventional hybrid stars. We draw comparisons of their oscillation
modes with those of neutron stars, quark stars, and conventional hybrid stars.
We find that the stellar stability analysis from the fundamental mode of radial
oscillations, and the $g$, $f$ modes of non-radial oscillations are quite
similar to those of conventional hybrid stars. However, due to the inverted
stellar structure, the first non-radial $p$ mode of CrSs behaves in an inverted
way and sits in a higher frequency domain compared to that of conventional
hybrid stars. These results provide a direct way to discriminate CrSs from
other types of compact stars via gravitational-wave probes. Specifically,
compact stars emitting $g$-mode gravitational waves within the $0.5$-$1$ kHz
range should be CrSs or conventional hybrid stars rather than neutron stars or
pure quark stars, and a further GW detection of the first $p$ mode above 8 kHz
or an identification of a decreasing trend of frequencies versus star masses
associated with it will help identify the compact object to be a CrS rather
than a conventional hybrid star.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Lijing Shao”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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